This CLI project was very difficult. I went through so many emotions, fear, anxiety, determination, defeat, happiness. I would find that now this is indicative of the coding process. But I was scared that I could not get it done. The program started with my idea, which I always had which was to create a program that is useful to me. I have been a private tutor and a teacher I knew that I wanted to work with one of the worksheet webpages so that the worksheets can be easily displayed to the user. With my private tutoring experience I also wanted this data to connect to the student. For the purpose of this project and my still infancy of knowledge I was able to produce the display of the worksheets. Later I will work on a student database that will connect the courses to the student.
Fear, was my first emotion. I have no idea actually how to implement this plan. I have recently moved to my local environment and navigation through VSC, and Ubuntu was much different. Also the commands were different. When completing the project there are no learn commands. We are now in the real world. So how do I start?? I started by setting up and following the instructions, then asking for support. For this project my cohort Professor, TA, students, learn study groups are what propelled me through. I felt anxiety that I would not have the knowledge to succeed and get the CLI functioning.
Scraping was the most difficult part of the project. That class required using the website and navigating through the information provided. I was uncomfortable with it but now that I have actually completed this project I think that I have a hold on the concept and can more confidently navigate through the inspect of a website to locate and parse the information for my needs.
Once I had gone through my fear and anxiety phase I reached determination. I now knew how to push my files to git hub. Making the ones I needed to review and analyze executable is nothing any more. Who knew that my process would be able to,
ls -lah chmod +x “filename”
like this is nothing . I think I am really becoming a coder lol. Let me not say that to post to git hub is now second nature.
git status git add git commit -m git push
Have now become common for me. Along with calling files in the CLI, reading through not just my code but others and able to see how the code is flowing. This project has made me much more confident with the process of creating a program. The object orientation that was involved pushed me and was highly challenging. Especially in my scraper class. I enjoyed the flow of my CLI class and discovering new gems such as colorize! That allowed my CLI to not only me functional but pretty. I am still working on perfection but the push of trying to create definitely boosted my confidence once I was able to complete if while also making me feel defeated during the process.
I am elated with my final results! I have a fully functional CLl !! :)