My Journey to Graduate from Flatiron School

Life of an online student

Prom Dresses JavaScript Project

When working on my JavaScript project I had to meet different objectives. They were to create a JavaScript front end that pulls information from a Ruby on Rails backend. At first this project can be intimidating but as you come to realize with practice it does get easier and what once was intimidating is now achievable.

How I Overcame My PostgreSQL Connection and Role Error

When I started my JavaScript project I decided that I wanted to use PostgreSQL for my database instead of MySQL so that I would be successful when deploying my project onto Heroku. It is necessary to have a PostgreSQL database in order to have Heroku host your application. To avoid the headache later of converting my database from MySQL to PostgreSQL, I started with PostgreSQL. I started building of my project and encountered and error….

Rails Tutoring Courses Project

The Rails project was a challenge it required for me to use various relationships, user authentication, various validations, and DRY. These requirements led me to question my abilities. But now that I’m up to my third project I think that is commonplace for me. It’s going to be a little scary, intimidating, and difficult but just plow forward because the knowledge that you gain when being pushed to your limits is what’s going to develop your skills.

Attendend Ruby Conference

Now that I am a student at Flatiron school, and in this ne tech community I have been awarded opportunities that I was not aware of before. I applied for my first scholarship to the Ruby Conference 2019 and won!!! I was overly excited and anxious of what to expect at this conference. The conference was in Nashville TN and was a wonderful experience. As a scholar there was a meet and greet dinner that we attended that had awesome, and delightful staff members that are willing to help an up and coming developer feel, comfortable, and welcomed. They offer you tips on how to network, and to come with a plan on how to approach the conference. My plan for this conference was to network and start building my professional connections so that when it is time to job hunt it will hopefully make that experience a little less daunting. You are given a guide that is an established developer. Your guide is also there to help you make those connections or achieve the goal that you came to the conference to obtain.

Tutoring Notes My Sinatra Project

My Sinatra project was difficult for me to start. One thing that I found helpful was the use of Corneal gem. This gem definitely gave me a foundation of how to be able to start developing. I found this gem useful because it gave me the foundation to generating the model, controller and views with a scaffold also called the MVC. The scaffold has the MVC inside of the app . Where the controller leads to two files the application_controller.rb and the new_model_controller.rb.The Models leads to one file the new_model.rb. Lastly the views leads to the new models folder, layout.erb file, and welcome.erb file. The new models folder has four files of index, show, new, and edit.html.erb inside of them.